Our retirement plan consulting practice is founded on principles and practices which offer you the highest level of plan consulting available. Our practice is based on complete objectivity, fee transparency, fiduciary responsibility and conflict-free advice.
Operating your plan in compliance with ERISA and other regulations is a challenge for human resource or other professionals who assist with managing your retirement plan. We assist plan sponsors by applying our experience to help guide them through the maze of duties and responsibilities imposed by ERISA and other bodies of regulation. Our consulting practice includes, but is not limited to:
Qualified Plan Compliance Review – We will assist you to identify and manage the risks associated with the administration of your retirement plans by targeting areas most susceptible to operational or compliance errors. If errors are discovered, voluntarily correction prior to IRS audit, may avoid costly sanctions and potential plan disqualification discussions.
Merger & Acquisition Services – Employers are sometimes surprised by the hidden liabilities and complexities that employee benefit plans can add to the sale of a business. We will perform a pre-transaction benefit plan review to identify areas of significant financial exposure and transitional concerns. Our due diligence process is tailored to each organization’s individual needs. We can also assist with post-merger planning/integration.
Fiduciary Consulting – Plan fiduciaries are governed by strict and complex ERISA rules and Department of Labor regulations. We assist our clients in fulfilling their compliance and fiduciary requirements for plan investments and administration. Our objectives are to help our clients fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities, serve their employees well and avoid litigation.